Welcome to Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson Property Reservation System



Due to needed repairs, the Explorer tent unit will be temporarily closed until further notice.  Once the repairs are completed and the unit can be reopened, we will post that here.




New for 2024

As was previously mentioned here, in order to better serve our members and provide the best possible property reservation experience, the council has entered into a partnership with G1 Facility Services.   It has now been determined that G1 will need a 72 hour (3 day) advance booking period for their maintenance and staffing needs.   Should you have an urgent and immediate need for space, please contact us at 845-558-9436 to discuss.



Please note that a link to the usage document that contains the lockbox code needed for access to the property you reserved is contained in your confirmation email, near the bottom of the page.  Please ensure that you have received that confirmation email and can access the document.  The email will be from Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson with a subject line of Thank You For Your Order and is sent to the email address all us your profile.

If you cannot locate the email, or cannot open the document, please contact at 845-236-6002 ext. 211 as soon as possible.



Camp Wendy Winter 2023-2024

The water in Camp Wendy will be turned off as of Monday October 23rd 8:00am.  Please bring whatever water you plan to use and as a reminder, no water should be put into any drain on the property.  Also, the flush toilet in the dining hall  will not be available through the winter.

The pop up tent camping facility and Martin Lodge will be open for troop overnight use, and Martin Lodge and the dining hall at Camp Wendy will continue to be open for troop meetings and day use through June of 2024.




Friday night overnights in the downstairs space are now available to reserve.  Please be aware that the Village has usage of the upstairs on Saturday mornings between 9am and 12noon and programs may be going on upstairs between those hours on that day.



PLATFORM TENT CAPACITY UPDATE - Rock Hill and Camp Addisone Boyce

 New York State Code has stated that for platform tents there should be 50 square feet of floor area per occupant with heads 6 feet apart.  This means that for a 14 x 14 platform there should be 3 beds per tent, and for a 14 x 16 platform, there should be 4 beds per tent.  In order to comply with this current code in Rock Hill, the Ranger tent unit will have 3 beds per tent, and all the other tent units will have 4 beds per tent.  Camp Addisone Boyce will follow the same guidelines once the platform tents are up.   Please plan accordingly.  





Day Use:

Troop meetings are on a first come, first served basis.




Special notice to non Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson Members and non Girl Scouts:

Only Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson member troops and service units may reserve our properties using this system. If you access Doubleknot through another Girl Scout council, agency or company, please contact Member Care at membercare@girlscoutshh.org  for availability and reservation information.

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Property Usage

In order to maintain our properties in good condition and to ensure that usage is a pleasant experience for all, we ask that you be mindful of the condition that you are leaving our properties in.  Expectations and guidelines can be found in the usage document for the property you are reserving.  There will be a link for the document in your confirmation email.   Please be aware that failure to follow these guidelines could result in possible charges should a cleaning or repair become necessary.

To learn more, please contact property@girlscoutshh.org or call 845-236-6002 ext. 211



Please note:

Should the need arise for GSHH to change your reservation due to a conflict with a council program or event, every effort will be made to notify you with ample time to reschedule. We will always try to honor your reservation, however, please be aware that  there may be times when unanticipated changes will need to be made on short notice.  Should that situation arise, we will be in touch as soon as we can to give you as much time as possible to move or reschedule your reservation.




Please click here to view our Property Cancelation Policy



It is our hope that this system will make it easier to reserve the property you need with less effort and paperwork.  We have many beautiful properties and would like nothing more than to have them utilized by our members.

Reservations will not be accepted via fax, email or phone; please make all reservations online. If you have questions please email property@girlscoutshh.org.


Archery and Ropes:

Please note when reserving the Archery Range or Ropes facility at any GSHH camp,  you are responsible for securing a GSHH approved Facilitator.  A list of rules and facilitators can be emailed to you by contacting membercare@girlscoutshh.org


Please note that boating is only available on a case by case basis because we do not have Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson facilitators.  Below is a summary of what is required for boating in our camps - if you have a facilitator that you believe has the needed qualifications, please contact Maggie Pichura at mpichura@girlscoutshh.org  to discuss.

Boating requires a Lifeguard with current CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Waterfront Certification, plus an adult with documented experience in the specific type of boating or Small Craft Safety certification.  Consult Safety Activity Checkpoint for girl to Lifeguard and watcher ratios.


To check site availability and reserve:

Click on the Make A Reservation link at the top of the page and select the property you are interested in.

Scout Houses and Regional Offices:

  1. Select the category type (day use, programs, sleeping units, etc.) from the left drop down menu in the  Category field.
  2. Use the calendar to view the availability and select the date you wish to reserve.
  3. If you are reserving the facility for hourly day use, select the date and indicate the start and end time needed.
  4. If you plan to reserve a facility for an overnight, select your arrival and departure dates.
  5. Click  reserve for your options to populate.

Camp Properties:

  1. Click the type of reservation you are interested in from Category  field on the left hand side of the page
  2. Use the calendar to view the availability and select the date you wish to visit the camp.
  3. Use the drop down labeled  Duration  to indicate how many nights.
  4. Click Search for your options to populate.
  5. When you find the facility you would like to reserve, click the RESERVE  button next to the item to add it to your shopping cart.
  6. Continue through the check out process.

A note about camp properties:

All of our camps have common usage areas, such as the Clegg picnic area or field in Camp Addisone Boyce,  the Tanglewood Firepit Picnic Area in Rock Hill, and the Tigerlily lodge in Camp Wendy.  We expect cooperation in coordinating usage in these areas during overnights and shared usage events.  If you are not staying overnight we ask that you reserve usage in these common areas so that we know you are in camp. Thank you for your cooperation!


If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Member Care

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